Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Colton Fire Department to protect life, property, and the environment in order to preserve and improve the quality of life of those we serve.
Vision Statement
The Fire Department will provide comprehensive emergency services to our citizens, visitors, and employees. We will cultivate leaders at all levels of the Department through education, training, and high ethical standards. We will treat others as we would want to be treated.
Core Values
These are the core values we have chosen to hold which form the foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves. These values underlie our work, how we interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. They are the practices we use every day in everything we do.
We believe in:
•Putting the Community First; it is the spirit that guides all actions of the Fire Department
•The safety of our citizens and personnel – above all interests
•Providing not only emergency care but also personal care and services
•Excelling in the delivery of our fundamental services: fire suppression and emergency medical services
•Mentoring our members through excellent leadership at all levels of the organization
•Strengthening local, regional and intergovernmental partnerships to provide services beyond our local ability
•Maintaining the organizational culture of trust, respect, and efficiency through the mutual cooperation of labor and management
•Ensuring transparent stewardship of the public’s trust, resources, and expectations
•Respecting contributions of past generations while embracing innovation
Welcome to the Colton Fire Department’s (CFD) website.
The CFD vision statement is:
“The Fire Department will provide comprehensive emergency services to our citizens, visitors, and employees. We will cultivate leaders at all levels of the Department through education, training, and high ethical standards. We will treat all others as we would want to be treated.”
Our first core value is:
“Putting the Community First; it is the spirit that guides all actions of the Fire Department “
It is my honor to serve the citizens of Colton as their Fire Chief. Our vision and core values reflect on what we want to be and what we value. Each of our firefighters and staff strive to serve our community to the best of our abilities. We realize that every shift we interact with our residents and visitors in some of their greatest times of need; this is a humbling honor we do not take for granted.
The Colton Fire Department (CFD) was formed on November 21, 1889 and currently serves a population of 54,828 people in the 16-square mile city out of four strategically located fire stations. There are currently 48 full-time firefighters, one Executive Assistant, one Office Specialist, one Fire Safety Specialist, and one contract Physician Medical Director who staff the department. In 2023 the department responded to over 8,161 calls for service dispatched through the Confire Joint Powers Agency Dispatch. CFD deploys three Type-I engines, and a Truck staffed by one Captain, one Engineer, and one Firefighter Paramedic and one Paramedic Squad staffed with two Firefighter Paramedics; one Battalion Chief is on-duty per day, one Deputy Fire Chief and one Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal. Colton has provided Paramedic Advanced Life Support to its citizens as one of the first paramedic providers in San Bernardino County since July 1975.
Colton Fire is a thriving Department with a rich culture that goes back more than 125 years. We are active partners with surrounding communities and respond as part of a robust mutual aid system. Over the past few years we have seen many retirements and have recruited new Firefighters, promoted new Engineers, Captains, Battalion Chiefs and a Deputy Chief. These new recruits and promotions represent an exciting time for CFD as we introduce new faces and innovations to our Department. Our Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal has been busy over the last year assuring that inspections, plan checks, and other prevention activities are completed in a time of increased growth and construction in Colton. Disaster Preparedness, grants, and Community Emergency Response Teams are an on-going focus. The Fire Explorer Program is a priority for us and we to try to hire from those ranks.
The Fire Department currently has two new grant funded fire apparatus a Type-1 engine and a new Tractor-Drawn Aerial (TDA) ready to be delivered. Staff will be writing a new Strategic Plan this year, and we look forward to planning our path forward over the next few years.
Colton Fire Department will continue to function as a partner with our community and we look forward to maintaining exceptional service to our residents, visitors, and neighbors.
Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns at 909-370-5100.
Ray Bruno, Fire Chief
The Colton Fire Department along with our brothers from SB County Fire, delivered presents and goodies to a special family today. The family was tragically displaced from their home by a house fire the morning after Thanksgiving. All 8 of them having to jump for their lives from a second story window. Unfortunately all of their possessions were destroyed in the fire. The toys and other goodies were made possible through donations to the Spark of Love Program, as well as the Colton WalMart and Colton Community services. This was the highlight of our day, seeing the smiling faces on the parents and children. ... See MoreSee Less

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Great job guys! Always give back to the community when you can.
We love our Lions and Colton Fire Department!! Thank you!!❤️
Thank you for all you did to make this possible for this very special family. ♥️
Here is the parade route for tonight‘s parade of lights with Santa Claus. Both the red and the green are part of the route. We start at 5 PM and end around 8:30 PM. ... See MoreSee Less

7 CommentsComment on Facebook
What is today's route?
Do you have information on today's route ?
We waited outside on ohio ave near Mill Street but you never drove by all our neighbors waited outside
The Parade of Lights Schedule! Please check out the schedule below and come out and say hi to Santa and our Colton Firefighters. City of Colton~Community Services Department Colton Chamber of Commerce John Echevarria - Colton Council Member City of Colton Public Library The Colton Joint Unified School District District ... See MoreSee Less

14 CommentsComment on Facebook
Does anyone know where Santa is currently tonight?
Will you guys be going inside the La cadena creek mobile home park this year?
Where does it start on reche canyon where do you recommend to wait?
The heat didn’t stop colton firefighters from training with the Arizona Vortex Multi-pod rescue device ... See MoreSee Less
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Congratulations to Justin Correll on your promotion to Fire Captain. Your hard work and dedication has paid off!!
#coltonfiredept #coltonfire #colton #firefighter #promotion
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Congratulations to Chris DeAnda on your recent promotion to Fire Captain. We are proud of you and excited to see what you will accomplish in your new role. ... See MoreSee Less

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For the past decade, we have experienced many changes. We have lost members to neighboring agencies, retirements, and even people leaving out of state. This past month has probably been one of our most significant changes to date. July was the month when we welcomed our new Fire Chief. We are very excited to introduce to you all Fire Chief Ray Bruno. Chef Bruno has been with the Colton Fire Department since 1996; he has prior U.S. Military experience serving in the Marine Corps and a season with the United States Forest Service (USFS) as a wildland firefighter. ... See MoreSee Less

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Sorry to lose another valuable member of our Fire Department, but glad you're able to finally retire after thirty-five years! Congratulations and best wishes for many more fulfilling years.
Congratulations, Fireman Valentin.
Congratulations Chief McHargue on a well deserved retirement. Chief McHargue retired from the Colton Fire Department today after serving the city for 22 years and being in the fire service for over 30 years. Chief McHargue was a great leader, mentor and friend to all. Chief, your knowledge, wisdom and words of encouragement will be greatly missed. Enjoy your last ride home on the brush engine and enjoy your retirement. ... See MoreSee Less

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Congratulations 👏🙌
A great leader, congratulations on your retirement Chief!
Nothing can replace years of successful and dedicated experience, so you'll certainly be missed. Congratulations anyway, and best wishes for a long and happy retirement.
Congratulations to Battalion Chief Henry Perez for your recent retirement. Chief Perez has faithfully served the city of Colton for 30 years. Henry served in all ranks leading up to Battalion Chief. He was one of the departments first SWAT Paramedics, he was very active in EMS, training and a member of the equipment committee. Thank you for your service and enjoy retirement. ... See MoreSee Less

52 CommentsComment on Facebook
Another good guy leaving. Sorry to lose you, but so proud and thankful for your service to us. Happy retirement!
I’m thankful and honored to have worked with you, and the last 4 years with COVID involved allowed us to work together, harmoniously. Congratulations Henry, well deserved my Friend, Cheers!! You Made It!!!
Congratulations Henry I was proud to serve the city of Colton with you. Enjoy your retirement you so deserve it as you always gave 100% plus
Congratulations to Captain John Vail on your retirement after serving the city for 20 years. Captain Vail was hired at Colton Fire on April 24, 2004 as a firefighter paramedic. John held the position of fire engineer and then promoted to Fire Captain in 2018. Captain Vail was our resident lock smith and was very active in our labor negotiations, mental health and well being program and he served as a member of our Honor Guard. John has been a contributing member in our department and will be greatly missed.
Wishing you an awesome retirement!
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Thank you for giving us such an impressive chunk of your life. Congratulations, and best wishes for a long and satisfying retirement.
Captain Vail, You were truly a blessing to my husband and I. Going above and beyond being my husbands right hand after losing our home. You stood right behind him. We wish you a blessed well deserved retirement. Thank you, The Amador Family ❤️
Congratulations to Captain Jeff Miller on your retirement after putting in 26 years of service. Captain Miller was hired at Colton Fire in October 1998 as a firefighter paramedic. Jeff promoted through the ranks and most recently served as Fire Captain. Captain Miller has been very active in our department being a member of Honor Guard, the Equipment Committee, the Heavy Rescue Team and Training Team. Jeff has been an asset to our department and will be greatly missed.
Wishing you an awesome retirement!
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Wow Jeff, Congrats - what a long list of people who loved you. add some more hobbies to your list and be involved - You will love retirement. This is just the top row of a Walmart clip but many stories.
Congratulations on the well deserved retirement.
Congratulations, THANK YOU, and please accept our wishes for your very happy and lengthy retirement.
Chief McHargue received a Proclamation from Colton City Leaders for his contributions and 22 years of service to the city at last Tuesday’s Council Meeting. ... See MoreSee Less

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Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Carmen Gomez, Eduardo Alvarez, John Lerot, Miriam Cross
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Don’t ruin your 4th of July by getting a fine of up to $5,000 by lighting illegal fireworks. Sit back, enjoy and let the professionals do it. ... See MoreSee Less

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Yes until your house burns due to dry brush and fireworks
We live in a free country
Congratulations to our two new hires, Eric Dixon and Tyler Jager on their badge pinning. You have a long, hard year ahead of you, but you will not regret it. Best of luck to you both! #bestjobever #probielife #coltonfire #coltonfd #coltonfirefighters ... See MoreSee Less

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Congratulations Gentlemen! Strong work over the last 2 weeks keep it up!
Congratulations and best of luck.
Way to go ! Congratulations and stay safe😃
Please welcome our two new Firefighter Paramedics.
Eric Dixon is currently finishing up his Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health. He comes to us with five years of experience in EMS.
Tyler Jager has two years of firefighting experience with CalFire, and five years’ experience as a paramedic.
They are finishing up their training and will be starting shift work the week of June 23rd. When you see them, please say hi.
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Hi Guys! I expect the ladies will be faking injuries now just to meet these calendar candidates! Welcome to Colton.
Welcome 👨🚒👏
…UPDATE…Rancho is now open to thru traffic.
Colton Fire is working a vegetation fire on Rancho between the 10fwy and N St. Rancho is currently closed.
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What burned faster, the dead grass, dead branches in the California pepper trees or the privacy slats in the chainlink fence. lol
Mauricio Hernandez Reyes going to your work
While working a traffic accident last night on the WB 10 freeway between La Cadena Dr and Rancho Ave., a vehicle entering the freeway crashed into ME213. Firefighters quickly assessed and determined that the driver did not require medical attention. Thankfully, our personnel were away from the apparatus and there were no injuries to our crew members. The cause of the accident is under investigation by the CHP.
Please slow down and pay attention when driving near emergency vehicles. We would like to go home too.
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So thankful the engine protected them and my husband and his crew were not injured! Pay attention people especially to accident scenes and EMS on the freeway, this should not have happened!
WTH! how can you not see a big red truck with flashing red lights? Texting or I don't have to follow directions kind of attitude caused this !
Glad everyone is ok. Dispatcher and wife biggest nightmare
211 Crew lead by Captain Luke Granger, honored Captain Grangers brother on this Memorial Day morning. Today would have been Sergeant Granger 40th birthday. @altitudeptfitness from Lake Arrowhead created a special workout in honor of Jason’s memory. Jason and Captain Granger are locals to Arrowhead Ca. ... See MoreSee Less

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Colton firefighters were notified of a dog trapped in a storm drain in a vacant field off Fairway & Crossroads. Firefighters descended into the storm drain via 14’ ground ladder. Firefighters utilized our helicopter screamer suit to hoist the dog out of the drain. Colton PD animal control officer then took the dog to the local animal shelter for care. ... See MoreSee Less

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How in the world was this poor dog even discovered??? Good work, and Thank You to our most excellent responders.
Omg poor pup I’m so glad that someone reported it and I’m glad that they took action to help find and rescue the dog. Poor baby he is all bones.
Poor baby, I hope he gets a good home. You can see how skinny he was. Thank you all who helped.
Our two week engineer academy is in full swing. This academy will prepare our fire personnel to successfully promote to the rank of fire engineer. Over the next ten days, students will learn how to complete apparatus inspections, basic driving skills, hydraulics, trouble shooting, pumping on various types of engines and ladder set up to name a few of the topics. These are just some of the basics needed fulfill the job requirements of fire engineer. ... See MoreSee Less

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Wow! Things have changed over the last 10 years! I don’t recognize anyone in the picture. Good luck to everyone.
***Update..crews have cleared the area***
Colton Fire is currently mopping- up a 3 acres vegetation fire in the 700 block of Congress. Please stay out of the area as hose is crossing the street.
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Do we know who owns this piece of land?
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In preparation for wildland season, some Colton Firefighters completed their arduous hike today out in LaLoma Hills. An arduous hike, also known as a Pack Test, is a 3-mile hike, carrying a 45-pound pack in 45 minutes or less. This measures the firefighters aerobic capacity, muscular and muscular endurance. ... See MoreSee Less

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Colton Fire Department is providing medical standby at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center’s 14th Annual 5K run/walk. There are over 2000 runner/walkers at today’s event. Colton Fire is utilizing their newly acquired ARV to travel around the hospital campus and race route. ... See MoreSee Less

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303 East “E” Street
Colton, CA 92324
Monday – Thursday:
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Phone: (909) 370-5100
Fax: (909) 370-6146
Monday – Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm